What is the chance of infection after vasectomy?


What is the chance of an infection after vasectomy? With a no scalpel minimally invasive vasectomy procedure the chance of infection is extremely low. If you have an old-school scalpel vasectomy your chance of infection after vasectomy will be higher. The newer more modern techniques result in less pain with less risk of infection. Not […]

Chronic Post Vasectomy Pain Syndrome: A Real But Rare Risk of Vasectomy


If you are thinking about getting a vasectomy then you need to be aware of the risk of developing chronic Post Vasectomy Pain Syndrome. Developing chronic scrotal pain after vasectomy is not common and occurs in less than 1% of vasectomy patients. Of all the possible vasectomy complications this is the one you do not […]

Fainting during vasectomy: Can you faint during a vasectomy procedure?


Can you have fainting during a vasectomy? Is the Pope Catholic? ‘Going down’ during or after your vasectomy is a real risk for some patients! If you are the anxious type person or have difficulty in stressful medical environments then you may be at risk of fainting during your vasectomy. We perform a lot of […]

Vasectomy And Pain: Is Vasectomy Painful?


We always ask our patients if they have any concerns about their vasectomy? The most common response is ‘Not really…’ Not really usually means “Yes” and we know their biggest concern is vasectomy and pain. Just how bad is it going to hurt Doc? Many patients want to ask is a vasectomy painful but many […]