Scrotal Swelling After Vasectomy: Inflammation Is A Common Cause
Scrotal swelling after vasectomy is not normal. Scrotal swelling may indicate you are having a vasectomy complication. Severe scrotal swelling within the first 24 hours usually indicates a scrotal hematoma. Severe swelling would be the size of a lemon or larger Minor scrotal swelling 48 hours or longer after vasectomy is usually suggests scrotal inflammation. […]
Vasectomy Bruising: How Long Does Bruising After Vasectomy Last?
If you are researching vasectomy then you should be made aware vasectomy bruising is a common occurrence. If you have bruising after vasectomy then you are probably wondering if everything is going to be okay and how long does bruising after vasectomy last? Vasectomy bruising is common. We see bruising after vasectomy in approximately 30% […]
Vasectomy And Pain: Is Vasectomy Painful?
We always ask our patients if they have any concerns about their vasectomy? The most common response is ‘Not really…’ Not really usually means “Yes” and we know their biggest concern is vasectomy and pain. Just how bad is it going to hurt Doc? Many patients want to ask is a vasectomy painful but many […]