Scrotal Hematoma After Vasectomy: A Serious Bleeding Complication


If you have internal bleeding after vasectomy then you may end up with a scrotal hematoma. A scrotal hematoma after vasectomy is a serious bleeding complication. Vasectomy is a safe surgical procedure. The risk of having a serious complication is low. The two most serious complications that can occur after vasectomy are chronic scrotal pain […]

Vasectomy Bruising: How Long Does Bruising After Vasectomy Last?


If you are researching vasectomy then you should be made aware vasectomy bruising is a common occurrence. If you have bruising after vasectomy then you are probably wondering if everything is going to be okay and how long does bruising after vasectomy last? Vasectomy bruising is common. We see bruising after vasectomy in approximately 30% […]