How Does Vasectomy Work

How Does Vasectomy Work?

Vasectomy permanently prevents you from causing pregnancy. 

Vasectomy causes permanent blockage in the vas deferens tubes. This blockage prevents sperm from getting from the testicles (the sperm factories) to the sperm storage area inside of the pelvis.

Sperm are produced in the testicles and mature in the epididymis. Mature sperm leave the epididymis, travel up the vas deferens, and are stored inside the pelvis. Stored sperm stay in the storage areas until they are released during sexual intercourse.

A vasectomy causes permanent blockage in the vas deferens. This blockage prevents sperm from leaving the epididymis and being stored inside the pelvis. If you do not release sperm during sexual intercourse then you cannot cause pregnancy.  


Vasectomy is a safe procedure. Vasectomy can easily be performed in a doctor’s office under local anesthesia.

The risks of vasectomy are low. It is rare to have a serious complication after a vasectomy procedure.

The purpose of vasectomy is to permanently prevent pregnancy. Vasectomy does nothing else and nothing more. 

If you don’t want to father any more children genetically similar to you….or you don’t want to father any children genetically similar to you….then having a vasectomy is a great idea.

Vasectomy explained

Click on the following links to learn more about each subject.

Vasectomy does one thing… and one thing only. Vasectomy prevents you from causing pregnancy.

Many of us have a poor understanding of reproductive anatomy and an even worse understanding of human reproductive biology. 

It is amazing how many myths exist about vasectomy. Many of these myths also involve the experience of having a vasectomy.

For a more extensive understanding visit: Vasectomy myths: Know your facts!

Vasectomy does not cause cancer of the prostate or any other organ. Vasectomy does not decrease testosterone levels.

Vasectomy will not make you an opera singer and vasectomy will not cause your testicles to hang low, swing more, or fall off!

The main benefit of having a vasectomy is having the satisfaction you have undergone the safest and most effective procedure to prevent pregnancy.

Vasectomy is easier, safer, and more effective than tubal ligation is for women.

Vasectomy is a safe procedure with a very low risk of serious complications and a very low risk of causing long term problems.

For more detailed information: Risks of vasectomy

Although vasectomy is safe, no procedure is totally without risk. It is important you education yourself about the risks involved with vasectomy. 

Our website should provide extensive education about vasectomy risks. Our video series provides a comprehensive education about the risks of having a vasectomy procedure.

His Choice Vasectomy is one of the most minimally invasive vasectomy techniques. 

When you have a His Choice vasectomy your vasectomy will be performed as outlined below:

  • No needle is used for anesthesia
  • No scalpel is used to make a skin opening
  • A single skin opening is made in the middle of the scrotum
  •    Sutures are not required
  • Open ended technique

For more detailed information: His Choice Vasectomy Explained In Detail

His Choice Vasectomy is one of the best and most minimally invasive vasectomy procedures available.

To understand the benefits of having a His Choice Vasectomy you need to understand the alternative vasectomy procedures some doctors perform.

Many doctors will offer a more traditional vasectomy procedure. They will use a needle to administer local anesthesia. They will use a scalpel to make an incision on each side of the scrotum. If a scalpel is used to make a skin opening then the skin opening will need to be closed with sutures. These sutures may hang around for several weeks until they fully dissolve or need to be removed.

Many vasectomy providers will remove a section of each tube and close the lower end. Removing a section of the vas deferens can contribute to higher failure rates. Closing the lower end may result in more discomfort during the recovery period.


We have created a great vasectomy educational video series for the benefit of our patients. If you take the time to watch our videos you will have a complete understanding of what a His Choice Vasectomy entails.

For more detailed information: His Choice Vasectomy educational video series

We encourage you to watch our His Choice Vasectomy video series. 

After watching our educational videos, you will have most of your vasectomy questions answered. You will feel comfortable scheduling a single visit vasectomy and confident your choosing to have the most effective form of permanent birth control.


Ready To Schedule?


Separating the Facts & Myths

MYTH #1:

My testicles will drop after my vasectomy!


No Your Testicles Will Not Drop

MYTH #2:

Sex will not be the same after vasectomy!


Your Sex Live May Be Even Better

MYTH #3:

After vasectomy my testosterone will drop!


Your Testosterone Levels Will Be The Same

MYTH #4:

After Vasectomy My Manhood Will Be Taken Away!


You Manhood Is Not Affected